Spirited Arts 2020
Lucy (12)
St Peter’s Church of England Aided School
Plastic and The Prophets
The title of my work is ‘Plastic and The prophets’. Plastics and the Prophets reflects the way we don’t always listen to the Prophets of our time. In the Bible Prophets warn the people of future disasters, the story of Noah (Genesis 7-8) is an example of this. My artwork depicts Noah’s boat with a rainbow who raise awareness of the issues our planet faces from Global warming and human destruction. In our daily lives do we listen to these modern-day prophets, or does our need for convenience close our ears to their voices?
I regularly go litter picking on the beach and I am always saddened by what I find, it makes me think about do we really care about God’s good earth. Sometimes when I look at the beach, I think people take for granted all our earth offers and they can’t see the consequences of their actions, even though their actions are littering their feet. It makes me think of 1 Timothy 4:4 ‘For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving’.
All the items I used to create this piece are recycled, from the coffee stirrers used to make the boat, the wrapping paper used for the rainbow, to the plastic fish in the sea which represent toe pollution and microplastics in the ocean.
If we continue to use throw away single use plastics, I wonder what our dinner plates will look like in the future? Open the pizza box. If we continue to trash creation, and don’t listen to the environmental prophets, maybe mealtimes will look like this?
Now lock in the mirror. It doesn’t matter who we are, or where we are from, whether we are famous or not, young or old, each of us are caretakers of this earth. We all have a responsibility to look after what we have been given. Each of us when we look in the mirror need to ask ourselves; ‘Do I care for God’s earth?’ or ‘Do I buy things without thinking about their impact on the earth?’ or ‘Do I buy things without thinking about their impact on the earth?
Will the voices of the prophets be heard in the middle of all the plastic?